Janmashtami Recipes / Gokulashtami Recipes
Easy recipes to make for Krishna Janmashtami/Gokulashtami. Janmashtami is celebrated as birthday of Lord Krishna. Whenever there are festivities, there is always food. It’s interesting that certain special dishes are cooked around each festival in India. All these dishes are rooted in age old traditions, and wisdom of our ancestors, who knew to eat as per the season.
Around Janmashtami a lot of fried dishes are made, and surprisingly around this time we are able to digest these fried food without any acidity issues unlike summer. That’s because, this is the time for weather change. The monsoon is slowly advancing into winters. Unlike the belief of current times, that oil is unhealthy, our ancestors knew when to eat fried food. Oil infact is essential for absorption of many minerals in our body. The fried dishes relished during this time help in building our immunity ( surprised?) Climate change is the time when our body’s immunity is low.
Like I mentioned earlier, we digest this fried food around this time because we share it with friends and family. That is the spirit of festivities, to share food. This way we don’t over indulge. Eating fried food is not unhealthy. Not knowing when to stop is.